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Results for "keyword: "freedom""
He chose to spin without ceasing He chose to spin without ceasing
Done adoring it Done adoring it
How can I attain liberation How can I attain liberation
Uncommon Gratitude Joan Chittister on the four characteristics of unity: it frees, enables, supports, and listens.
No Enemy to Conquer Michael Henderson on forgiveness as a key element in the creation of a more peaceful and better world.
Waking Life A visionary animated film of deep play that is stylistically innovative and spiritually rich in content.
Free Willy The friendship between a troubled 12-year old boy and an orca at an adventure park, which will appeal to all friends of nature.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off A snappy and thought-provoking film about adolescence.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest An American classic with its celebration of the deep yearning for freedom inherent in all the characters.